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Maximizing People’s Power, Adaptability and Resilience

Build a culture of cleverness & care, with empowered people
established by bold leadership combined with emotional intelligence

The culture of cleverness & care

Learn to walk between worlds

Encourage and empower people to think, engage and offer solutions by speaking a language that fits a group. InVistaQ will help you to focus on the framework and language behind, which makes you aware there is no contradiction, there is a huge potential of synergy being people and process-oriented! We need to enable and help leaders by offering them a path and understanding what they need to do to act based on emotional intelligence between the roles of manager and coach. Then organizations will be successful to achieve a culture of adaptability.

Establish culture of cleverness & care

ThreeQ, the culture of cleverness & care brings existing and new puzzles into one comprehensive picture. It will help you to become aware of the important factors on how to act as a team successfully, to grow as an individual and how leaders should guide their team(s). It‘s about respect, development, and empowerment of people and team(s)!

Fifth power of C -Grow strong team members

The leader(s) is/are the incubator(s) to develop such a culture of cleverness and adaptability. Hence the coaching, development, and empowerment of each individual team member (IQ) is key to achieve the targeted and required WeQ mindset. Five development “C-factors” should be considered while person enhancing a person towards an IQc becoming a strong member to live a culture of cleverness and adaptability.

Feeling that you are not progressing with your required transformation?

Are you facing transformation or restructuring challenges?

A restructuring or transformation project was performed, but people are still passive? Why? The answer is quite simple. Even tough management levels were reduced, the huge effort in changing the culture of organizations and habits of people was completely underestimated. Adaptable Thinking, which focuses on people and collaboration, was destroyed even before it was introduced. Companies didn't take enough time to think what Adaptable Thinking really means and just start the transition and lost people’s minds!

Whom do you consider regarding transformation?

Transformation is even more than change! Hence teams in organizations need clever and adaptable leaders supporting them to use and develop their given potentials. Leaders should guide as examples driven by professional calmness, which means to take time reflecting specific situations, get different views and achieve a commitment about the way forward. Decisions are then smart and more sustainable because the team could contribute, understand and commit to it and feel also accountable. It’s just a little puzzle, but one of the most important in transformation!

Do you invest too much money and time in commercial frameworks?

Besides this, we touched upon frameworks and different methodologies. Not be surprised, our major conclusion is that different methods as a core hold one thing, and that is a mindset of iteration. From Theory of Constraints, Continuous Improvement, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, to Agile Development it is always about iteration and learnings. Become aware and understand the overlap of all these frameworks adaptability and a successful way forward can be achieved!

Are people confused more after the change?

In order that leaders can lead and build future leaders, they need to have a holistic overview and to understand how they can contribute to inspiring teams for success. Therefore organizations need to enable and help leaders to understand what their new role is and how to act to reach a team’s purpose and effectiveness. Offering them a path and understanding what they need to do to act between the roles as manager and coach. Then organizations will be successful to achieve a culture of adaptability with empowered teams.

Leadership contribution in establishment of an Adaptable Thinking Culture?

Manage change trough empathy

Change is a continuous challenge, and therefore we need leaders to step in and to lead the change process, to show guiding principles like a compass in order to stay active in volatile environments. In this process we should not forget to listen, understand and treat each other with respect. Because every good conversation starts with good listening!

Adjust your leadership style

Leaders need support and enablement to understand what their new role is and how to act to reach a team’s purpose and effectiveness. Offering them a path and understanding what they need to do to act between the roles as manager and coach. Encourage and empower people to think, engage and offer solutions by speaking a language that fits a group in order to achieve a sustainable basis with adaptable thinking.

Be a driver, ensure adaptability

If leaders do not understand the pre-condition to be the active driver required changes will not happen, because a forum within a team to discuss and to challenge the status quo controversial is missing. An adaptable thinking culture will be not developed and established. Become aware of the importance of how to drive change and transformation. By using and understanding APureMind models the required adaptable role can be performed in a volatile environment and people’s minds will be won.

What is and why is Emotional Intellgence (EQ) important performing transformation sucessfully?

What is EQ?

A set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

As the EQ-i 2.0 measures Emotional Intelligence (EQ), it’s important to consider what EQ is, what it measures, and how it can impact people and the workplace. The following 5 EQ skills influence each other, and are themselves generated by their 3 respective subcategories. Taking the decision to improve the Emotional Intelligence in your organization is likely to lead to:

-Increased individual and team work performance
-Enhanced leadership
-Improved decision-making
-Decreased occupational stress
-Increased personal well-being
-Improved relationships with colleagues and clients
-Reduced staff turnover

Why is EQ important?

While Emotional Intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional Intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s Emotional Intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

EQ 2.0

Why an Adaptable Thinking Culture matter to us?

Mario Müller

Small Picture

A Master of Business Administration with more than 25 years of leadership experience in different professional sections like Sales, Supply Chain, E-Business and IT, who acts also as Speaker, Coach and Mentor since years and likes to think outside the box, crossing borders and energize teams towards collaboration. According to experience humanity, respectful extend to each other and positive thinking comes often back in our daily life and an all-around view is enriching the own life.

Based on lasting experience and acting with with professional calmness he is fully convinced about the following conclusion: “Respected, satisfied, understood and happy people always deliver!”

Ognjen Pejovic

A Master of Organizational sciences with 10 years of experience of scaling nearshore software engineering and digitla hubs. Currently working as IT Director with multicultural and international teams as an Agile practitioner, trainer, transformer. On a journey to become a coach. Trying to build a bridge and explain that Agile and Digital Transformation is actually one thing. Let’s break down together paradigms and establish Agile Thinking culture to drive digital and cultural change. Commercial frameworks and buzzwords will change, what will stay are people.

Would like to contribute to establishing of Adaptable Thinking Culture where we will focus on individuals and their possibility to grow and adapt a mindset. Change starts from the top, but it is driven bottom.

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Ognjen Pejovic

Mario Müller

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